[Home] [Introduction] [Requirements] [Download Demo Version] [Buy Full Version] [Download Scenarios]
In the style of Dragon Warrior for NES, you must defeat enemies and collect ancient artifacts to save the world from eternal darkness! nWarrior features a large world with smooth scrolling map, grayscale animated graphics, and many many hours of game play! Download the demo now, then buy the full version when you get hooked! Full version comes with a large scenario comparable to Dragon Warrior, and the ability to select other scenarios when they come out.

Explore the world...

Talk to people...

Fight enemies!
Screen shots using newtVNC Server 3.3a9
Apple Newton MessagePad 2000 or 2100
Apple Newton MessagePad any 2.X device?
FIXMEk free space for application
FIXMEk free space per scenario
minimal space for saves
Download Demo Version
This demo is the full game, but only has a small scenario to explore. Download and pass around to everyone you know!
Download Demo Now - (.sit fixmek) (.zip fixmek)
Download Demo Parts - (nWarriorDemo.pkg 309k) (DemoScenario.pkg 7k) (readme.html 2k)
Download Source Code
Havent looked at this in years, all the files are here
Download Demo Now - (.zip 7MB)
Download Scenarios
Neah - Scenario included with the full version of nWarrior. (.pkg fixmek)
*NEW* All map format information is available to anyone who wants to make a scenario.
Possible changes for next version:
wait for first version to be out
Email bunnyboy@sealiecomputing.com with bug reports, feature requests, or other questions